Table of Contents

Create Your Profile:


A new member has asked me how he can add his profle to our Members' Gallery. The straight answer is he can't - at least, not directly. And neither can you. If you want to be added to the Members' Gallery, send me the pics and info and I will encode the page and post it. I am not adept enough at web design to devise an input page where you can do it yourself.

However, you can edit your own Google Profile from Home Page.
Here are the steps to do that:

First, go to Home Page at:!forum/canadiangay
(You may need to sign in with the ID you use for CanadianGay to proceed)
At the top right, you will see this::

Click on the head/shoulders icon and pull down to "Membership and email settings"
You will then be taken to this pop-up page:

On the page above, you can do things like adjust your mail settings, or go to your Google account and edit your profile. When you have finished, click on the blue Save button. Go to it!